영어/영화로 배우기9 영화 인턴(Intern) 영어공부-8 (We were going out for a minute) 1. Don't dawdle in any way. Just keep it moving. 꾸물거리지 말고 적극적으로 행동하세요. *dawdle 꾸물거리다 to do something or go somewhere very slowly, taking more time than is necessary 예문) Stop dawdling! You'll be late for school! 그만 꾸물거려! 그러다 지각하겠다! 2. And you being assigned to me is kind of just for me to set an example for the rest of the team. 그리고 당신이 저어게 배정된건 다른팀들한테 모범을 보이기 위해서에요. 3. At least I'll stand out. 적.. 2021. 1. 13. 영화 인턴(Intern) 영어공부-7 (I am indebted to you forever) I mean, if you can't zoom in, you probably won't buy. 줌인이 안되면 사람들이 안 사겠지. Yeah, the first couple hours are already down 23%. 첫 몇 시간만에 이미 23%나 줄었어. I just found out that the zoom link, the button that you click on to zoom in on a photo isn't working. 사진을 확대하는 줌 링크가 작동안하는걸 알았어요. And I know she doesn't check her personal e-mail until she gets home at 5:30. So I have until then to figure out how to .. 2021. 1. 7. 영화 인턴(Intern) 영어공부-6 I apologize if I overstepped in some way. 제가 지나쳤다면 사과할게요. *overstep (도를) 넘다 to go further than what is considered acceptable or correct. I want you to let Ben give you a hand okay? and cc him on all my e-mails. 벤한테 도움 받고 알겠지? 그리고 내 모든 이메일을 참조해서 보내. *give sb a hand (with st) 거들어 주다. I happen to think you do a lot of things right. It seems the most expensive place you're advertising is actually br.. 2021. 1. 5. 영화 인턴(Intern) 영어공부-5 (He's supposed to be brilliant) Best thing that's happened around here all week. 이번 주에 일어난 일 중에 최고에요. Well, I haven't sat at a desk for a while. My body's not used to it. 책상에서 일을 안한지 오래 됐어요. 몸이 아직 적응을 안했네요. *be used to ~ ~에 적응하다. You're not as old as I thought you were. 생각보다 젊으신데요? I just happen to have looked out the window, and it appeared you were drinking something from a paper bag. 내가 우연히 창문으로 봤는데 당신이 종이가방에서 뭔가를 마시는거 같더군요.. 2021. 1. 3. 이전 1 2 3 다음